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Funding Opportunities

Application for Funding

The New Milford Commission on the Arts encourages the development and appreciation of artistic and cultural activities. If you are interested in applying for funds from the Commission on the Arts, please review the below criteria for applying.


We may provide supporting funding for projects, programs, or events in any of the creative or performing arts, including music, theater, film, visual arts, literature, and music. The funded project, program, or event must be open to viewing or participation by New Milford residents.

Eligible Applicants

Any legal resident, nonprofit, or business whose project/program/event benefits the residents of New Milford, Connecticut.

Not Eligible for Funding

The Commission on the Arts cannot provide funding for the following events or projects.
● Individual projects such as books or recordings
● Events that charge a fee
● Capital projects
● Salaries
● Fundraisers

Application Process

Complete and submit the form on our Funding Application page. Once we receive your funding request and budget, the Commission chair or representative will review your application to make sure it is eligible. If eligible, the Commission will consider the request at our next meeting. The Commission may ask you to attend that meeting to present your request. The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month. After considering your request or presentation, the Commission will vote and inform you of their decision.


The Commission on the Arts must be acknowledged in all event or program print and media marketing. Examples of acknowledgements include:
● Funding for this event was provided in part by the New Milford Commission on the Arts
● Sponsored by the New Milford Commission on the Arts

Final Report

After the project/program/event has been completed, you MUST provide a final report to the Commission within 30 days. Complete and submit the form on the Final Report page. The report should include a summary of the event and an estimate of the number of people your project reached.